Top tips to reduce stress

Carolyn Potter, Dip Hyp, HPD, GHR reg,MNCH reg
Hypnotherapist and Reiki Maste

Certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner

Certified HypnoBirthing  Fertility Consultant

Phone 07774 890064, email


Five top tips for coping with stress


Stress can be a modern day killer. It makes nearly every medical condition worse, and can even bring on many illnesses.  That is why it is so important to learn how to minimise it in our day to day lives.  Here are some tips which will help you to keep it in check, especially if you have a stressful Christmas to cope with.

  • 1. Get some exercise.  This is well known as a stress reducer and can fill you up with endorphins and make you feel great.
  • 2. Be kind to yourself.  Who needs to be Superman or Superwoman when Joe Bloggs will do? You don’t have to set yourself ridiculous goals, and then stress out if you don’t achieve them.
  • 3. Stop worrying.  It is a waste of energy.  Do whatever you can to make the situation better and then let go of the worry.
  • 4. Remember you are not responsible for what you can’t control. 
  • 5 Learn how to relax.  Children daydream to give themselves a break from pressure. As adults we also need a let out, so try to set some relaxation time aside every day.  Ten or fifteen minutes is all you need.  There are plenty of relaxation CD’s available so pop one on the CD player and off you go. (not while you are driving though!),
  • By Carolyn Potter


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